Nicky Nelson/WENN.com
Erica Campbell Defends Her Sister Tina From Trump Criticism
After her sister/Mary Mary counterpart got bible thumped for admitting to voting for Trump, Erica Campbell is issuing a response. As previously reported people are BIG mad that Erica’s sister Tina stated that while she “doesn’t agree with a lot of his decisions”, she thinks Cheeto In Chief’s Christian values align with hers, which is why she voted for him.
“I was faced with two presidential candidates that I really did not approve of,” said Campbell to The Root. “And so I had to find something, a commonality with one of them, that would make me feel like if I have to vote, I should utilize my right to vote. Since I don’t prefer either of them, what can I find that would make me vote? And some of Donald Trump’s views on Christianity, honestly, is what caused me to vote for him.”
She added however that “many of his decisions” she hasn’t been in agreement with at all but nonetheless she’s been getting eviscerated to Ecclesiastes for her comments.
and now her sister’s jumping in to defend her.
According to Erica Campbell, reports that “Trump’s Christianity caused Tina Campbell to vote for him” are untrue.
You sure?

Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.com
See a comment from Tina Campbell possibly on her Trump criticism on the flip.